A beautiful girl was taken to heaven four years ago today. She never took a breath here with us, but I know she blows kisses to us from heaven. Every year I post the poem that I wrote for her and read for her at her funeral. I find peace knowing that Kylie is watching over her two sisters. I find peace knowing that my sisters daughter is the guardian Angel watching over them.
Happy Birthday Kylie! Auntie Loves you!
(picture taken this year by my sister)
Happy Birthday Kylie! Auntie Loves you!
(picture taken this year by my sister)
Kylie lived her life with in my sisters womb.
Years like minutes cannot last for too long, locked within that juicy tomb.
Let those who mourn remember she died,
In sweet communion with her soul inside.
Eearly in the pregnancy we felt you kick and move,
Eager to greet you, never thought so soon.
Life is a burst of joy and pain, and then like yours its done,
In our thoughts you'll always be the sparkle in the sun.
Zero breaths did you take when you entered earth,
Although you looked so angelic in your still birth.
But now we have to let you go, your spirit can be free,
Everyone will hold you near their hearts, where you will always be.
Tiny little baby, at home where you belong,
Here we gather to rejoice in tears, as we listen to the flutter of your fragile wings song.
I remember when I first read this. I cannot believe it was four years ago. Still as touching and heart felt.